Meet Victoria Foster Harrison, IEA Mentor

Victoria Foster Harrison

Tell Me 

22 x 30 inches

Collage created with Encaustic Monotypes and Asemic Writing on Watercolor Paper.

What Victoria Foster Harrison offers her mentees:

Having taught encaustic monotypes for 11 years, Victoria (Vicky) offers mentorship to encaustic printmaking artists who are seeking to strengthen their body of original one-of-a-kind prints by improving, enhancing, embellishing, and finishing their existing monotypes. The end-goal is to provide artists with excellent professional choices when selling their work or submitting to galleries.

Mentorship includes discussion of the mentee's current work and potential directions for future work, goal setting, building, or strengthening a unique voice and addressing the challenges related to framing, use of adhesives, photographing and displaying encaustic monotypes.

After the initial discussions, Vicky will work with the artist to discuss their unfinished prints, sorting them by “Almost Done”, “Partly Done” and “A Long Ways to Go”. We will work together to find solutions. Vicky specializes in editing incomplete prints and will provide suggestions for finishing such as adding wax, removing excess wax, mark making, kitchen-sink prints, focusing on creating backgrounds and using varieties of papers and tools. Depending on location, Vicky can work with the mentee in-person or via zoom.

About Victoria

Vicky is an Encaustic Printmaker, Collage, Mark Making and Asemic artist who works out of her boutique studio in Port Townsend, WA. 

A right brain / left brain thinker, her artwork includes a combination of “action and quiet”, often incorporating urban photographs, mark-making, and asemic writing with her textural encaustic monotypes. She is absolutely smitten with the process and loves working both fast and slow to produce the wide variety of images that encaustic printmaking offers - textures, patterns, landscapes, florals, portraits, and abstracts.

Vicky is a member of IEA, Northwest Collage Society and Women Painters of WA.  She exhibits at the Bainbridge Arts & Crafts Gallery (WA) and enters a variety of juried shows.  Summer of 2024, she is exhibiting new art at Finistere, and November 2024 she will be featured at the Aurora Loop Gallery, both in Port Townsend, WA. In 2024, she is working towards releasing a series of pre-recorded online Encaustic Monotype courses and is hoping to offer a new heated palette in the retail market soon.

In 2020, Vicky was one of eight selected for the International Encaustic Artists’ “Art Heals – COVID -19 Compliant” competition. She used the awarded R&F waxes to support a Bainbridge based small project which creates handmade greeting cards sending a word of hope to cancer survivors and thrivers (IG=@SoulLightCards). Victoria was featured in R&F’s 2020 blog Unique Color. In 2021, she was awarded the Northwest Collage Society Award for her Paper Boro Kimono displayed at the Lynn Hanson Gallery in Seattle.

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