Some resources to help you obtain residencies, both domestic and international.

If you have any suggestions, please do let us know at

Arquetopia Foundation & International Artist Residency in Mexico, Peru, and Italy.   New Residency Open Call for All Dates in 2024 and 2025

Alliance of Artist Communities  Residencies for visual artists around the world and in the U.S.

Baer Art Center, Iceland - Provides visual artists with the opportunity to deepen and develop their creative spirit in a selective group of internationally diverse and professionally established individuals.The art center also offers it's residents the unique experience of remoteness, seclusion and sublime nature within a modern society.

EncaustiCastle Residency

Helping you get a little more creative with art retreats, residencies, creative use space and a compound of artists in Lexington, Kentucky.  Hosted by Trish Seggebruch.  Application for Artist in Residency program.

Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown - Call for fellowship application

Millay Colony for the Arts - Offers one-month residencies to visual artists, composers and writers between the months of April and November.

Oolite Arts.  South Florida Studio Residency Program - Ideal for artists who are committed to experimentation and innovation, seeking artistic & professional development, and are interested in being a part of and contributing to a dynamic community of local, national and international artists and creative thinkers. 

Res/Artis - Worldwide network of artist residencies and residential art programs, in over 70 countries,

The Skopelos Foundation for the Arts: SkopArt - Artist residency on the Greek Island of Skopelos.

360 Xochi Quetzal:  Free Residency for Artists and Writers in Central Mexico - A free one month residency for visual artists, photographers, writers and musicians located in Chapala, Mexico on the shores of the largest lake in Mexico. 

TASIS Art Teachers Summer Workshop and IB Visual Arts Teacher Workshop, Southern France - For visual artists, who are also art teachers, this is a top-notch summer studio retreat located in the beautiful Ardeche region of Southern France.

Roman J. Witt Artist in Residence.   Sponsored by the University of Michigan

Women’s Studio Workshop - Workshops and residencies and Summer programs.

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