When in Rome: The Art of Travel IEA's Juried Exhibition Magazine is live! |
IEA Announces a New Grant Opportunity: Host Your Own Small-Scale Encaustic Event! |
International Encaustic Artists is an organization dedicated to building community and shared knowledge among artists throughout the world who work with encaustics and other wax media. While we hope you will be able to join us for our next Celtic Convergence retreat in Mulranny in 2026, we would like to offer support for regional groups of artists interested in building community and connections among artists by hosting their own local gatherings in 2025 or early 2026. Therefore, we are pleased to announce a call for proposals for our new $500 Regional Encaustic Event Grant Initiative! |
Click on this link for the Grant Prospectus. Click on this link for the Grant Application DUE March 15, 2025, midnight PT. |
Congratulations, Art of Travel Artists! |
We're pleased to announce the results of our current juried exhibition, When in Rome: The Art of Travel! Thank you to all who submitted and congratulations to all artists whose work was selected by our distinguished juror and former IEA Exhibitions Director, Michelle Robinson: Susanne K. Arnold, Lyn Belisle, Robyn Bragg, Ann Broni-Petersen, S. Kay Burnett, Cindy L. Clark, Jane Cornish Smith, Doreen Ellis, Anne Feller, Tracy Finn, Anne Fjeld, Sharon Gottula, Hilary Hanson-Bruel, Birdy Harrison, Monique Jansen, Jennifer Keresztes, Lyn Kirkland, Beate Kratt, Holli Levy, Mary Pat Maracle, Susan Metzger, Cherie Peters, Regina Quinn, Michele Randall, Leah Read, Jodi Reeb, Michaela Richardson, Linda Robertson, Heidi Rufeh, Phyllis Ruffer, Janet Sando-Healey, Susan Sarver, Linda Sirow, Anne Stine, Kelly Williams, Terri Yacovelli, and Lonnie Zarem. Visit our Current Exhibitions page for a view of the online gallery and info about each of the artists featured in this show. |
Are you an experienced wax-media teacher? Would you like to share your knowledge during our return to Mulranny at our 2026 Celtic Convergence Retreat? IEA invites member artists with workshop teaching experience to submit proposals for pre-retreat or post-retreat 2-day workshops to be held in conjunction with our 2026 Celtic Convergence Retreat in Mulranny, Ireland. Pre-retreat sessions will be held on Oct 6 & 7 and post-retreat sessions will be held on Oct 13 & 14, 2026. Selected presenters will also offer demonstrations during the Celtic Convergence Retreat, Oct 8 - 13. Proposals are due by February 1, 2025. |
To order a copy and to see past issues, go to Wax Fusion
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