Encaustic Monotype Workshop: Patterns, Rhythm and Symmetry - October 11 & 12, 9AM to 3:00 PM. Santa Fe, NM

26 Dec 2024 5:54 AM | Jorge Luis Bernal

Pattern is an underlying structure that organizes surfaces or structures in a consistent, regular manner.

Description: This workshop offers the opportunity to explore in detail patterns, rhythm and symmetry. It can help our personal narratives, emotional responses and the creative art making processes. Pattern is a combination of elements that are repeated, symmetry in art is when the elements of a painting balance each other out and rhythm involves using intervals or spaces between elements to give the user an impression of flow or movement.

Cost $495.00 Tax  and materials included

On the first day we will cover the equipment, tools, materials, safety, color sticks application and paper lifting techniques and the advantages of masking, plus the monotype finishes.

The second day is all about patterns, rhythm and symmetry and how we as artist can use or arrange these elements in a painting to create harmony and unity which is this workshop’s objective.

For class registration email request to jorgeluisbernal@gmail.com

Workshop Registration: Class size maximum of three (3) people

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